Want to touch up your smile, but don’t like the idea of being in braces for a year or more? Do you feel self-conscious about crooked or misaligned teeth but don’t want to be an adult stuck in braces? Urban Orthodontics offers Smile Express in New Jersey to finally give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Give us 6 months and watch your smile be transformed with Invisalign clear aligners.

Smile Express Basics

For many adults, Smile Express offers a safe, convenient alternative to braces. The clear, nearly invisible aligners made by Invisalign help shift your teeth without disrupting your appearance, so you won’t be self-conscious about your smile as it gets improved.

Smile express in New Jersey

What Is Smile Express?

Smile Express is a quick and esthetic orthodontic treatment for tweaking your teeth alignment. This treatment combines the convenience of removable aligners and the oversight and expertise of an orthodontist thus giving you faster results.

In contrast to fully-remote teeth straightening programs, when you choose Smile Express, at Urban Orthodontics you will meet with our doctor and team to support you during the treatment. We ensure your smile transformation is done safely and successfully by making sure your gums and teeth are in good shape and that you’re a good candidate.

How Does Smile Express Work?

The Smile Express journey is simple and looks like this:

  • Come in for your first visit at Urban Orthodontics, where one of our orthodontists will examine your teeth. Not everyone’s orthodontic needs can be met by Smile Express, but many can.
  • We’ll digitally scan your teeth for a perfect Invisalign aligner fit.
  • As you wear your aligners, your teeth will begin shifting into place. You’ll meet with our orthodontists regularly to ensure everything goes according to plan. We even offer virtual consultations for these check-ups.
Smile express in New Jersey

What Are the Expected Results?

Straight teeth, of course! When we scan your teeth with the iTero® scanner to prepare your aligners, you’ll be able to see our projection and envision your smile when your treatment is done. By the end of your treatment, that projection will become a reality, and your smile will be transformed.

Do you still feel unsure? Read more about other patient experiences.

What to Expect with Smile Express from Urban Orthodontics

Smile Express from Urban Orthodontics is an excellent way to correct your smile. It’s safer than the fully at-home options because an orthodontist you can trust will carefully follow your progress.

Smile Express Cost in New Jersey

Another great benefit of Smile Express is the cost. In New Jersey, Smile Express costs about $2,500. In many cases, this can be much more cost-effective than braces. It’s faster, too! With Smile Express from Urban Orthodontics, you can achieve the smile you want within 6 months!

Get Smile Express with Urban Orthodontics

Ready to get that perfect smile you’ve dreamed of? Contact Urban Orthodontics for a consultation today!